


#include <Windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <wrl/client.h>
#include <d3d11_3.h>
#include <dxgi1_4.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "d3d11.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "dxgi.lib")

using namespace Microsoft::WRL;
using namespace std;

int WINAPI wWinMain(
    HINSTANCE hInstance,
    LPWSTR lpCmdLine,
    int nCmdShow
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // CreateDXGIFactoryによるDXGIFactoryの生成
        ComPtr<idxgifactory> pFactory;
        hr = CreateDXGIFactory(
        if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

        // インターフェースがサポートされていない,と失敗する
        // ComPtr<idxgifactory1> pFactory1;
        // hr = pFactory.As(&pFactory1);
        // if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

    // CreateDXGIFactory1によるDXGIFactory1の生成 (Windows 7以降)
        ComPtr<idxgifactory1> pFactory1;
        hr = CreateDXGIFactory1(
        if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

        ComPtr<idxgifactory> pFactory;
        hr = pFactory1.As(&pFactory);
        if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

        ComPtr<idxgifactory3> pFactory3;
        hr = pFactory1.As(&pFactory3);
        if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

        ComPtr<idxgifactory4> pFactory4;
        hr = pFactory1.As(&pFactory4);
        if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

    // CreateDXGIFactory2によるDXGIFactory2の生成 (Windows 8.1以降)
        ComPtr<idxgifactory2> pFactory2;
        ULONG creationFlag = 0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
        creationFlag |= DXGI_CREATE_FACTORY_DEBUG;

        hr = CreateDXGIFactory2(
        if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

        ComPtr<idxgifactory> pFactory;
        hr = pFactory2.As(&pFactory);
        if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

        ComPtr<idxgifactory1> pFactory1;
        hr = pFactory2.As(&pFactory1);
        if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

        ComPtr<idxgifactory3> pFactory3;
        hr = pFactory2.As(&pFactory3);
        if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

        ComPtr<idxgifactory4> pFactory4;
        hr = pFactory2.As(&pFactory4);
        if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

    // D3D機能レベルの一覧を用意
    D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL featureLevels[] =
    D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL featureLevel = D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1;
    UINT deviceCreationFlag = 0;

    // D3D11デバイスおよびイメディエイトコンテキストの生成
    ComPtr<id3d11device> pDevice;
    ComPtr<id3d11devicecontext> pImmediateContext;
    hr = D3D11CreateDevice(
    if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

    ComPtr<idxgidevice> pDXGIDevice;
    hr = pDevice.As(&pDXGIDevice);
    if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

    // D3D11DeviceからDXGIDeviceを取得し,
    // DXGIDeviceからDXGIAdapterを取得し,
    // DXGIAdapterの親であるDXGIFactoryを取得する.
    // そこからIDXGIFactory1,2,3,4を取得する.
        ComPtr<idxgiadapter> pDXGIAdapter;
        hr = pDXGIDevice->GetAdapter(
        if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

        ComPtr<idxgifactory> pFactory;
        hr = pDXGIAdapter->GetParent(
        if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

        ComPtr<idxgifactory1> pFactory1;
        hr = pFactory.As(&pFactory1);
        if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }なn

        ComPtr<idxgifactory2> pFactory2;
        hr = pFactory.As(&pFactory2);
        if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

        ComPtr<idxgifactory3> pFactory3;
        hr = pFactory.As(&pFactory3);
        if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

        ComPtr<idxgifactory4> pFactory4;
        hr = pFactory.As(&pFactory4);
        if(FAILED(hr)) { return 0; }

    return 0;



2015/09/26 追記




CheckInterfaceSupport Checks whether the system supports a device interface for a graphics component.
EnumOutputs Enumerate adapter (video card) outputs.
GetDesc Gets a DXGI 1.0 description of an adapter (or video card).


GetDesc1 Gets a DXGI 1.1 description of an adapter (or video card).


GetDesc2 Gets a DXGI 1.2 description of an adapter or video card. This description includes information about the granularity at which the GPU can be preempted from performing its current task.


QueryVideoMemoryInfo This method informs the process of the current budget and process usage.
RegisterHardwareContentProtectionTeardownStatusEvent Registers to receive notification of hardware content protection teardown events.
RegisterVideoMemoryBudgetChangeNotificationEvent This method establishes a correlation between a CPU synchronization object and the budget change event.
SetVideoMemoryReservation This method sends the minimum required physical memory for an application, to the OS.
UnregisterHardwareContentProtectionTeardownStatus Unregisters an event to stop it from receiving notification of hardware content protection teardown events.
UnregisterVideoMemoryBudgetChangeNotification This method stops notifying a CPU synchronization object whenever a budget change occurs. An application may switch back to polling the information regularly.



メソッド名 説明
CreateSoftwareAdapter Create an adapter interface that represents a software adapter.
CreateSwapChain Creates a swap chain.
Note Starting with Direct3D 11.1, we recommend not to use CreateSwapChain anymore to create a swap chain. Instead, use CreateSwapChainForHwnd, CreateSwapChainForCoreWindow, or CreateSwapChainForComposition depending on how you want to create the swap chain.
EnumAdapters Enumerates the adapters (video cards).
GetWindowAssociation Get the window through which the user controls the transition to and from full screen.
MakeWindowAssociation Allows DXGI to monitor an application's message queue for the alt-enter key sequence (which causes the application to switch from windowed to full screen or vice versa).


メソッド名 説明
EnumAdapters1 Enumerates both adapters (video cards) with or without outputs.
IsCurrent Informs an application of the possible need to re-enumerate adapters.


メソッド名 説明
CreateSwapChainForComposition Creates a swap chain that you can use to send Direct3D content into the DirectComposition API or the Windows.UI.Xaml framework to compose in a window.
CreateSwapChainForCoreWindow Creates a swap chain that is associated with the CoreWindow object for the output window for the swap chain.
CreateSwapChainForHwnd Creates a swap chain that is associated with an HWND handle to the output window for the swap chain.
GetSharedResourceAdapterLuid Identifies the adapter on which a shared resource object was created.
IsWindowedStereoEnabled Determines whether to use stereo mode.
RegisterOcclusionStatusEvent Registers to receive notification of changes in occlusion status by using event signaling.
RegisterOcclusionStatusWindow Registers an application window to receive notification messages of changes of occlusion status.
RegisterStereoStatusEvent Registers to receive notification of changes in stereo status by using event signaling.
RegisterStereoStatusWindow Registers an application window to receive notification messages of changes of stereo status.
UnregisterOcclusionStatus Unregisters a window or an event to stop it from receiving notification when occlusion status changes.
UnregisterStereoStatus Unregisters a window or an event to stop it from receiving notification when stereo status changes.


メソッド名 説明
GetCreationFlags DXGIオブジェクトが生成された際のフラグを取得する.


メソッド名 説明
EnumAdapterByLuid 指定されたLUIDのIDXGIAdapterを出力する.
EnumWarpAdapter Provides an adapter which can be provided to D3D12CreateDevice to use the WARP renderer.


Googleによる新しい圧縮アルゴリズム Brotliを試してみた.

Google、新しい圧縮アルゴリズム「Brotli」公開 (マイナビニュース)

google/brotli (GitHub)


このコードは,Windows 10上のVisual Studio 2015 Communityで試しています.

  • main.cpp
  • dec (brotliのdecフォルダをコピー)
  • enc (brotliのencフォルダをコピー)



// main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <enc/streams.h>
#include <enc/encode.h>
#include <dec/streams.h>
#include <dec/decode.h>

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    FILE * fout = fopen("main.cpp.brotli", "wb");
    if(!fout) { return -1; }

    FILE * fin = fopen("main.cpp", "rb");
    if(!fin) { return -1; }

    fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_END);
    auto size = ftell(fin);
    fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_SET);

        brotli::BrotliFileOut bfout(fout);
        brotli::BrotliFileIn bfin(fin, size);

        // 圧縮時の設定ができる
        brotli::BrotliParams params;

        // true of falseが返る
        if(brotli::BrotliCompress(params, &bfin, &bfout))
            std::cout << "圧縮に成功しました." << std::endl;
            std::cerr << "圧縮に失敗しました." << std::endl;
            return -1;


    fin = fopen("main.cpp.brotli", "rb");
    fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_END);
    auto compressed_size = ftell(fin);
    fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_SET);
    std::string buffer;

        std::unique_ptr<char[]> buffer(new char[size + 1]);
        buffer[size] = '\0';

        // メモリ出力用の構造体
        BrotliMemOutput output;

        // 解凍関数呼び出し
        auto result = BrotliDecompress(
                reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(buffer.get()),

            std::cerr << "何らかのエラーが発生しました." << std::endl;
            return -1;
            std::cerr << "解凍に必要な入力が不足しています." << std::endl;
            return -1;
            std::cerr << "解凍先のバッファが不足しています." << std::endl;
            return -1;
            std::cout << "解凍に成功しました." << std::endl;
            std::cerr << "未知のエラーが発生しました." << std::endl;
            return -1;

        std::cout << buffer.get() << std::endl;


    return system("pause");


圧縮方法 結果サイズ (バイト)
無圧縮 2,487
brotli 728
zip 1,054






メソッド名 説明
Begin Mark the beginning of a series of commands.
ClearDepthStencilView Clears the depth-stencil resource.
ClearRenderTargetView Set all the elements in a render target to one value.
ClearState Restore all default settings.
ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint Clears an unordered access resource with a float value.
ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat Clears an unordered access resource with bit-precise values.
CopyResource Copy the entire contents of the source resource to the destination resource using the GPU.
CopyStructureCount Copies data from a buffer holding variable length data.
CopySubresourceRegion Copy a region from a source resource to a destination resource.
CSGetConstantBuffers Get the constant buffers used by the compute-shader stage.
CSGetSamplers Get an array of sampler state interfaces from the compute-shader stage.
CSGetShader Get the compute shader currently set on the device.
CSGetShaderResources Get the compute-shader resources.
CSGetUnorderedAccessViews Gets an array of views for an unordered resource.
CSSetConstantBuffers Sets the constant buffers used by the compute-shader stage.
CSSetSamplers Set an array of sampler states to the compute-shader stage.
CSSetShader Set a compute shader to the device.
CSSetShaderResources Bind an array of shader resources to the compute-shader stage.
CSSetUnorderedAccessViews Sets an array of views for an unordered resource.
Dispatch Execute a command list from a thread group.
DispatchIndirect Execute a command list over one or more thread groups.
Draw Draw non-indexed, non-instanced primitives.
DrawAuto Draw geometry of an unknown size.
DrawIndexed Draw indexed, non-instanced primitives.
DrawIndexedInstanced Draw indexed, instanced primitives.
DrawIndexedInstancedIndirect Draw indexed, instanced, GPU-generated primitives.
DrawInstanced Draw non-indexed, instanced primitives.
DrawInstancedIndirect Draw instanced, GPU-generated primitives.
DSGetConstantBuffers Get the constant buffers used by the domain-shader stage.
DSGetSamplers Get an array of sampler state interfaces from the domain-shader stage.
DSGetShader Get the domain shader currently set on the device.
DSGetShaderResources Get the domain-shader resources.
DSSetConstantBuffers Sets the constant buffers used by the domain-shader stage.
DSSetSamplers Set an array of sampler states to the domain-shader stage.
DSSetShader Set a domain shader to the device.
DSSetShaderResources Bind an array of shader resources to the domain-shader stage.
End Mark the end of a series of commands.
ExecuteCommandList Queues commands from a command list onto a device.
FinishCommandList Create a command list and record graphics commands into it.
Flush Sends queued-up commands in the command buffer to the GPU.
GenerateMips Generates mipmaps for the given shader resource.
GetContextFlags Gets the initialization flags associated with the current deferred context.
GetData Get data from the GPU asynchronously.
GetPredication Get the rendering predicate state.
GetResourceMinLOD Gets the minimum level-of-detail (LOD).
GetType Gets the type of device context.
GSGetConstantBuffers Get the constant buffers used by the geometry shader pipeline stage.
GSGetSamplers Get an array of sampler state interfaces from the geometry shader pipeline stage.
GSGetShader Get the geometry shader currently set on the device.
GSGetShaderResources Get the geometry shader resources.
GSSetConstantBuffers Sets the constant buffers used by the geometry shader pipeline stage.
GSSetSamplers Set an array of sampler states to the geometry shader pipeline stage.
GSSetShader Set a geometry shader to the device.
GSSetShaderResources Bind an array of shader resources to the geometry shader stage.
HSGetConstantBuffers Get the constant buffers used by the hull-shader stage.
HSGetSamplers Get an array of sampler state interfaces from the hull-shader stage.
HSGetShader Get the hull shader currently set on the device.
HSGetShaderResources Get the hull-shader resources.
HSSetConstantBuffers Set the constant buffers used by the hull-shader stage.
HSSetSamplers Set an array of sampler states to the hull-shader stage.
HSSetShader Set a hull shader to the device.
HSSetShaderResources Bind an array of shader resources to the hull-shader stage.
IAGetIndexBuffer Get a pointer to the index buffer that is bound to the input-assembler stage.
IAGetInputLayout Get a pointer to the input-layout object that is bound to the input-assembler stage.
IAGetPrimitiveTopology Get information about the primitive type, and data order that describes input data for the input assembler stage.
IAGetVertexBuffers Get the vertex buffers bound to the input-assembler stage.
IASetIndexBuffer Bind an index buffer to the input-assembler stage.
IASetInputLayout Bind an input-layout object to the input-assembler stage.
IASetPrimitiveTopology Bind information about the primitive type, and data order that describes input data for the input assembler stage.
IASetVertexBuffers Bind an array of vertex buffers to the input-assembler stage.
Map Gets a pointer to the data contained in a subresource, and denies the GPU access to that subresource.
OMGetBlendState Get the blend state of the output-merger stage.
OMGetDepthStencilState Gets the depth-stencil state of the output-merger stage.
OMGetRenderTargets Get pointers to the resources bound to the output-merger stage.
OMGetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews Get pointers to the resources bound to the output-merger stage.
OMSetBlendState Set the blend state of the output-merger stage.
OMSetDepthStencilState Sets the depth-stencil state of the output-merger stage.
OMSetRenderTargets Bind one or more render targets atomically and the depth-stencil buffer to the output-merger stage.
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews Binds resources to the output-merger stage.
PSGetConstantBuffers Get the constant buffers used by the pixel shader pipeline stage.
PSGetSamplers Get an array of sampler states from the pixel shader pipeline stage.
PSGetShader Get the pixel shader currently set on the device.
PSGetShaderResources Get the pixel shader resources.
PSSetConstantBuffers Sets the constant buffers used by the pixel shader pipeline stage.
PSSetSamplers Set an array of sampler states to the pixel shader pipeline stage.
PSSetShader Sets a pixel shader to the device.
PSSetShaderResources Bind an array of shader resources to the pixel shader stage.
RSGetScissorRects Copy a multisampled resource into a non-multisampled resource.
ResolveSubresource Get the array of scissor rectangles bound to the rasterizer stage.
RSGetState Get the rasterizer state from the rasterizer stage of the pipeline.
RSGetViewports Gets the array of viewports bound to the rasterizer stage.
RSSetScissorRects Bind an array of scissor rectangles to the rasterizer stage.
RSSetState Set the rasterizer state for the rasterizer stage of the pipeline.
RSSetViewports Bind an array of viewports to the rasterizer stage of the pipeline.
SetPredication Set a rendering predicate.
SetResourceMinLOD Sets the minimum level-of-detail (LOD) for a resource.
SOGetTargets Get the target output buffers for the stream-output stage of the pipeline.
SOSetTargets Set the target output buffers for the stream-output stage of the pipeline.
Unmap Invalidate the pointer to a resource and reenable the GPU's access to that resource.
UpdateSubresource The CPU copies data from memory to a subresource created in non-mappable memory.
VSGetConstantBuffers Get the constant buffers used by the vertex shader pipeline stage.
VSGetSamplers Get an array of sampler states from the vertex shader pipeline stage.
VSGetShader Get the vertex shader currently set on the device.
VSGetShaderResources Get the vertex shader resources.
VSSetConstantBuffers Sets the constant buffers used by the vertex shader pipeline stage.
VSSetSamplers Set an array of sampler states to the vertex shader pipeline stage.
VSSetShader Set a vertex shader to the device.
VSSetShaderResources Bind an array of shader resources to the vertex-shader stage.


メソッド名 説明
ClearView Sets all the elements in a resource view to one value.
CopySubresourceRegion1 Copies a region from a source resource to a destination resource.
CSGetConstantBuffers1 Gets the constant buffers that the compute-shader stage uses.
CSSetConstantBuffers1 Sets the constant buffers that the compute-shader stage uses.
DiscardResource Discards a resource from the device context.
DiscardView Discards a resource view from the device context.
DiscardView1 Discards the specified elements in a resource view from the device context.
DSGetConstantBuffers1 Gets the constant buffers that the domain-shader stage uses.
DSSetConstantBuffers1 Sets the constant buffers that the domain-shader stage uses.
GSGetConstantBuffers1 Gets the constant buffers that the geometry shader pipeline stage uses.
GSSetConstantBuffers1 Sets the constant buffers that the geometry shader pipeline stage uses.
HSGetConstantBuffers1 Gets the constant buffers that the hull-shader stage uses.
HSSetConstantBuffers1 Sets the constant buffers that the hull-shader stage uses.
PSGetConstantBuffers1 Gets the constant buffers that the pixel shader pipeline stage uses.
PSSetConstantBuffers1 Sets the constant buffers that the pixel shader pipeline stage uses.
SwapDeviceContextState Activates the given context state object and changes the current device behavior to Direct3D 11, Direct3D 10.1, or Direct3D 10.
UpdateSubresource1 The CPU copies data from memory to a subresource created in non-mappable memory.
VSGetConstantBuffers1 Gets the constant buffers that the vertex shader pipeline stage uses.
VSSetConstantBuffers1 Sets the constant buffers that the vertex shader pipeline stage uses.


メソッド名 説明
UpdateTiles Updates tiles by copying from app memory to the tiled resource.
BeginEventInt Allows applications to annotate the beginning of a range of graphics commands.
CopyTileMappings Copies mappings from a source tiled resource to a destination tiled resource.
CopyTiles Copies tiles from buffer to tiled resource or vice versa.
EndEvent Allows applications to annotate the end of a range of graphics commands.
IsAnnotationEnabled Allows apps to determine when either a capture or profiling request is enabled.
ResizeTilePool Resizes a tile pool.
SetMarkerInt Allows applications to annotate graphics commands.
TiledResourceBarrier Specifies a data access ordering constraint between multiple tiled resources. For more info about this constraint, see Remarks.
UpdateTileMappings Updates mappings of tile locations in tiled resources to memory locations in a tile pool.


メソッド名 説明
Flush1 Sends queued-up commands in the command buffer to the graphics processing unit (GPU), with a specified context type and an optional event handle to create an event query.
GetHardwareProtectionState Gets whether hardware protection is enabled.
SetHardwareProtectionState Sets the hardware protection state.





メソッド名 説明
CheckCounter Get the type, name, units of measure, and a description of an existing counter.
CheckCounterInfo Get a counter's information.
CheckFeatureSupport Gets information about the features that are supported by the current graphics driver.
CheckFormatSupport Get the support of a given format on the installed video device.
CheckMultisampleQualityLevels Get the number of quality levels available during multisampling.
CreateBlendState Create a blend-state object that encapsules blend state for the output-merger stage.
CreateBuffer Creates a buffer (vertex buffer, index buffer, or shader-constant buffer).
CreateClassLinkage Creates class linkage libraries to enable dynamic shader linkage.
CreateComputeShader Create a compute shader.
CreateCounter Create a counter object for measuring GPU performance.
CreateDeferredContext Creates a deferred context, which can record command lists.
CreateDepthStencilState Create a depth-stencil state object that encapsulates depth-stencil test information for the output-merger stage.
CreateDepthStencilView Create a depth-stencil view for accessing resource data.
CreateDomainShader Create a domain shader .
CreateGeometryShader Create a geometry shader.
CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput Creates a geometry shader that can write to streaming output buffers.
CreateHullShader Create a hull shader.
CreateInputLayout Create an input-layout object to describe the input-buffer data for the input-assembler stage.
CreatePixelShader Create a pixel shader.
CreatePredicate Creates a predicate.
CreateQuery This interface encapsulates methods for querying information from the GPU.
CreateRasterizerState Create a rasterizer state object that tells the rasterizer stage how to behave.
CreateRenderTargetView Creates a render-target view for accessing resource data.
CreateSamplerState Create a sampler-state object that encapsulates sampling information for a texture.
CreateShaderResourceView Create a shader-resource view for accessing data in a resource.
CreateTexture1D Creates an array of 1D textures.
CreateTexture2D Create an array of 2D textures.
CreateTexture3D Create a single 3D texture.
CreateUnorderedAccessView Creates a view for accessing an unordered access resource.
CreateVertexShader Create a vertex-shader object from a compiled shader.
GetCreationFlags Get the flags used during the call to create the device with D3D11CreateDevice.
GetDeviceRemovedReason Get the reason why the device was removed.
GetExceptionMode Get the exception-mode flags.
GetFeatureLevel Gets the feature level of the hardware device.
GetImmediateContext Gets an immediate context, which can play back command lists.
GetPrivateData Get application-defined data from a device.
OpenSharedResource Give a device access to a shared resource created on a different device.
SetExceptionMode Get the exception-mode flags.
SetPrivateData Set data to a device and associate that data with a guid.
SetPrivateDataInterface Associate an IUnknown-derived interface with this device child and associate that interface with an application-defined guid.


メソッド名 説明
CreateBlendState1 Creates a blend-state object that encapsulates blend state for the output-merger stage and allows the configuration of logic operations.
CreateDeferredContext1 Creates a deferred context, which can record command lists.
CreateDeviceContextState Creates a context state object that holds all Microsoft Direct3D state and some Direct3D behavior.
CreateRasterizerState1 Creates a rasterizer state object that informs the rasterizer stage how to behave and forces the sample count while UAV rendering or rasterizing.
GetImmediateContext1 Gets an immediate context, which can play back command lists.
OpenSharedResource1 Gives a device access to a shared resource that is referenced by a handle and that was created on a different device. You must have previously created the resource as shared and specified that it uses NT handles (that is, you set the D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_SHARED_NTHANDLE flag).
OpenSharedResourceByName Gives a device access to a shared resource that is referenced by name and that was created on a different device. You must have previously created the resource as shared and specified that it uses NT handles (that is, you set the D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_SHARED_NTHANDLE flag).


メソッド名 説明
CheckMultisampleQualityLevels1 Get the number of quality levels available during multisampling.
CreateDeferredContext2 Creates a deferred context, which can record command lists.
GetImmediateContext2 Gets an immediate context, which can play back command lists.
GetResourceTiling Gets info about how a tiled resource is broken into tiles.


メソッド名 説明
CreateDeferredContext3 Creates a deferred context, which can record command lists.
CreateQuery1 Creates a query object for querying information from the graphics processing unit (GPU).
CreateRasterizerState2 Creates a rasterizer state object that informs the rasterizer stage how to behave and forces the sample count while UAV rendering or rasterizing.
CreateRenderTargetView1 Creates a render-target view for accessing resource data.
CreateShaderResourceView1 Creates a shader-resource view for accessing data in a resource.
CreateTexture2D1 Creates a 2D texture.
CreateTexture3D1 Creates a 3D texture.
CreateUnorderedAccessView1 Creates a view for accessing an unordered access resource.
GetImmediateContext3 Gets an immediate context, which can play back command lists.
ReadFromSubresource Copies data from a D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT texture which was mapped using ID3D11DeviceContext3::Map while providing a NULL D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE parameter.
WriteToSubresource Copies data into a D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT texture which was mapped using ID3D11DeviceContext3::Map while providing a NULL D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE parameter.











第1章 整数




第2章 小数



第3章 演算


第4章 2次元




第5章 角度





さらっと書いていて読み飛ばしそうですが,Visual StudioでM_PI(円周率を表すマクロ)を利用するには,_USE_MATH_DEFINESを定義しておく必要があることもしっかりと書いています.

第6章 時間






第7章 運動



第8章 3次元


第9章 マトリクス




第10章 衝突



第11章 乱数


